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Piping Plover
Charadrius melodus
This pale shorebird with orange legs is the color of dry beach sand. It weighs 1.5 to 2.25 ounces (42-63g)Â and is 5.5 inches long (13.97 cm). In spring and summer, it sports a single black neck band and a narrow black band across its forehead. In flight, the rump is white. The bill is yellowish with a black tip. The sexes appear similar in both size and plumage.
Piping Plover: List
Piping Plover Images
(Rezin, 2019)Summer morph Piping Plover at shore line | (Danzenbaker, 2005)Flying Piping Plover | (Gunkel, 2019)Adult Piping Plover with chicks |
(Russ, 2016)Two adult Plovers flying | (Smith, 2020)Two piping plover chicks | (Saunders, 1994)Non-summer coloration |
Piping Plover: Gallery
Piping Plover (1994, December 4). Department of environmental conservation. Retrieved April 17, 2020, from
Photo References
Danzenbaker M. (2005). Breeding male in flight [Photograph]. Avesphoto.
Gunkel D. (2019). Piping plovers [Photograph]. Northernpublicradio.
Mdf (2008). Piping plover [Photograph]. Wikimediacommons.
Rezin A. (2019). A piping plover walks in the area sectioned off for the endangered species on Montrose Beach [Photograph]. Chicagosuntimes.
Russ. (2016). Piping plover pair in flight [Photograph]. Flickr.
Saunders B. (1994). [Piping plover left profile facing standing on right leg] [Photograph]. Departmentofenvironmentalconservation.
Smith K. (2020). [Two piping plover chicks on sand, left chick front facing left eye closed, rigth chick left profile facing leaning against left chick] [Photograph]. Kimsmithdesigns.
Piping Plover: Text
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